Gluay Naam Waa or Musa Acuminata are the bananas most commonly grown in Thailand, and they look different than the Cavenish banana, which is usually sold in supermarkets in the US and Europe. The Cavendish banana tree grow large fruits, the Thai banana tree, however, grow fruits less than half the size. But they are sweet and tasty.
These banana plants have a stem with 10- 15 tiers of bananas. Each tier having a hand of 15 – 20 bananas. So that’s 150, 200 or even 300 bananas that will be ripe simultaneously. Perfect to donate to the local school to upgrade the kid's diet.
In addition, Bananas grow large leaves to provide shade for the younger and slow-growing hardwood saplings.
With your donation, we plant one tree with a laminated sign board showing the donor's name. The fruits will be donated to Baan Cha Niang School.
Thai Banana tree ǀ Musa acuminata
Thailand and South-East Asia