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The Seven Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

A team-building-type learning work-shop based on John C. Maxwell's bestselling book "The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork."


What makes a successful team? Is it a vision, determination, skills or leadership? And who will be part of my team? What skills or personalities am I looking for?

The full-day workshop Seven laws of team work is loosely based on the wall street bestselling book The 17 Indisputable Laws of Team Work by John C. Maxwell.

Seven of Maxwell's 17 laws are summarized in this work shop and presented in a fun and inspiring way.


Maxwell's theory is supported with practical team building activities flowed by a thorough debriefing and discussion. T


eam building activities include art, painting, handicraft, relays and adventure activities to test team performance, communication and leadership skills.


Each activity is delivered and underlined with a powerful message that can be taken back to the work environment. This learning and development type team building activity is facilitated by a professional trainer.

The Seven Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

    • 09:15 The law of significance
    • 10:15 The law of the niche
    • 10:45 Coffee break.
    • 11:00 The law of the compass
    • 12:00 Lunch
    • 13:00 The law of Mt. Everest
    • 14:00 The law of the Bench
    • 15:00 The Law of the scoreboard
    • 15:45 Coffee break.
    • 16:00 The Law of the Big Picture
    • 17:00 Debriefing & review of the day. 
    • 17:15 End of work-shop.

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