Your team is only as strong as your weakest link.
Participants must bring a series of balls from one bucket to another with the help of a pvc pipe and without touching the balls.
This activity serves as a metaphor for team work and why your team is only as strong as the weakest link.
The transporters activity complements an organizational change program when leaders try to find weak spots in the organization.
This interactive team building activity can be played in win-win or competitive mode depending on the number of group and the event objective.
Learning objectives
Determining and eliminating weak-spots in the organization
Activity duration
This team building activity takes approx. 20 to 30 minutes with a 5 minutes debriefing at the end of the activity.
Group size
This team building activity is ideal for medium-sized groups of 20 to 39 participants or if played in competitive mode, with two teams joining together.
Target audience
Transporters fits into an executive training programs as well as in a team building session for rank and file staff. It works best for large groups.
Transporters is currently available in Thailand and Cambodia only.